Category Archives: kurser

5/9 Producing the ideal citizen? An anthropological study of Norwegian integration politics 

IMER Lunch Seminar
Producing the ideal citizen? An anthropological study of Norwegian integration politics 
Time: Tuesday 5th of September 2023, 12.00 – 13.00
Place: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31
You can also follow through this zoom link.It will be great to know if you plan to join us using the registration link here. A light lunch will be served. What does integration mean? The question has been at the centre of political and public debates in Norway for the past four decades and is shaped by specific perspectives on “the nation”, “belonging”, and minority-majority relationships. But what perspectives on integration do Norwegian bureaucrats build on when creating Norwegian integration policies? What purpose do integration policies serve in Norway and how are these policies implemented by frontline workers in the municipalities?  
About the SeminarIn this lunch seminar, Mona Frank will talk about how Norwegian governmental policies utilise the mandatory introduction program for refugees to shape refugees into “ideal citizen workers”. Building on empirical data from a small municipality, Mona will present the fictitious city of Låsen as a case study to illustrate how frontline workers’ perspectives on integration differ from the imaginaries of Norwegian policymakers, who view integration as a business model and integration policies as a tool of discipline and control. The case study also shows how frontline workers struggle to implement Norwegian integration policies, as their daily work is affected by local power struggle and austerity policies which bring the local integration infrastructure to the verge of collapse.   
Mona Frank holds an Erasmus Mundus master’s degree in Social and Cultural Psychology, with a specialization in migration and acculturation, as well as a master’s degree in Social Anthropology from the University of Oslo. Her master thesis on the Norwegian integration system for refugees was published as report by ARENA Centre for European Studies (UiO) in 2023. Mona works currently as advisor at Skeiv Verden Vest.
For questions about the event or if you experience problems registering, etc., please contact:  

IMER Lunch Seminar
Producing the ideal citizen? An anthropological study of Norwegian integration politics 
Time: Tuesday 5th of September 2023, 12.00 – 13.00
Place: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31
You can also follow through this zoom link.It will be great to know if you plan to join us using the registration link here. A light lunch will be served. What does integration mean? The question has been at the centre of political and public debates in Norway for the past four decades and is shaped by specific perspectives on “the nation”, “belonging”, and minority-majority relationships. But what perspectives on integration do Norwegian bureaucrats build on when creating Norwegian integration policies? What purpose do integration policies serve in Norway and how are these policies implemented by frontline workers in the municipalities?  
About the SeminarIn this lunch seminar, Mona Frank will talk about how Norwegian governmental policies utilise the mandatory introduction program for refugees to shape refugees into “ideal citizen workers”. Building on empirical data from a small municipality, Mona will present the fictitious city of Låsen as a case study to illustrate how frontline workers’ perspectives on integration differ from the imaginaries of Norwegian policymakers, who view integration as a business model and integration policies as a tool of discipline and control. The case study also shows how frontline workers struggle to implement Norwegian integration policies, as their daily work is affected by local power struggle and austerity policies which bring the local integration infrastructure to the verge of collapse.   
Mona Frank holds an Erasmus Mundus master’s degree in Social and Cultural Psychology, with a specialization in migration and acculturation, as well as a master’s degree in Social Anthropology from the University of Oslo. Her master thesis on the Norwegian integration system for refugees was published as report by ARENA Centre for European Studies (UiO) in 2023. Mona works currently as advisor at Skeiv Verden Vest.
For questions about the event or if you experience problems registering, etc., please contact:  

11/5 ‘I promise you my country will help you’

IMER Lunch Seminar
‘ I promise you my country will help you’ –
Promissory acts within the Norwegian refugee regime  
Time: Thursday 11th of May 2023, 12.00 – 13.00
Place: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31
You can also follow through this zoom link
It will be great to know if you plan to join us using the registration link here.   A light lunch will be served. 
About the Seminar
Promises play an integral part in refugee regimes of Western liberal democracies. They appear in political speeches, bureaucratic procedures, legal texts on asylum, or integration programs. In this IMER seminar, Manuel Insberg explores how promissory acts constitute the relationship between refugees and the receiving society and engender powerful images of the future,  drawing on data from his ethnographic fieldwork in Oslo.Protection, a good life, and participation in the receiving society are promised objects that politicians, government officials, or humanitarian actors declare desirable for certain ‘deserving’ forced migrants. However, they are also inevitably linked to assurances of protecting the integrity of the nation, its citizens, and the prosperity of the welfare state. Following Sarah Ahmed’s and Lauren Berlant’s accounts on promises, Insberg understands the Norwegian refugee regime as a cluster of hegemonic promises that (re)produces different subjectivities and the power relations between them through promises. Zooming in on some encounters with his interlocutors who have gained protection status in Norway, this presentation sheds light on the promises that circulate within the refugee regime.
Manuel Insberg is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Social Anthropology at the University of Bern in Switzerland and a short-term visiting PhD scholar at the Center for Women and Gender Studies (SKOK) at UiB. Manuel is part of the SNF-Ambizione project ‘Violent Safe Havens? Exploring Articulations and Repercussions of Violence in Refugee Reception and Settlement’ funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.  
For questions about the event or if you experience problems registering, etc., please contact: 

24-25/8 Critical Perspectives on Precarious and Informal Work

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Critical Perspectives on Precarious and Informal Work

24th-25th, August 2023

University of Helsinki, Finland

We are excited to invite you to submit individual paper proposals to the kick-off symposium of the project Tackling Precarious and Informal Work in the Nordic Countries (Future Challenges in the Nordics programme)

Deadline extended to May 15th, 2023

The two-day symposium brings together scholars across different disciplines studying precarious and informal work in the Nordics and beyond. The world of work is being transformed by globalisation, deregulation, digitalisation, robotization, and demographic changes due to population ageing and migration. In addition, frequent shocks such as financial crises, the pandemic, and the current energy crisis impact workers across the Nordics and beyond. The erosion of secure employment is a phenomenon that transcends nation-state borders. We are also witnessing the increase of precarious work especially in, but not limited to, sectors like cleaning, construction, and agriculture and in new modes of organising work such as the platform economy.

Especially the Nordic social model, characterized by high employment and taxes, low wage and income equality, and comprehensive welfare regimes, has relied on the prevalence of formal employment at reasonable pay. The symposium seeks to tackle the following questions, but not limited to these:  How do welfare states respond to these transformations? What are the effects of the erosion of secure employment on individual workers and communities? In which ways are different labour sectors, labour relations, and labour processes changing? How do intersecting inequalities based on gender, ‘race’, ethnicity, class, migrancy, and so forth structure the everyday of work?  In which novel ways do relations of production and social reproduction intermingle in the contemporary transformations of work? Do the concepts of precarious and informal work capture the changing world of work or should these be re-thought?

We encourage paper proposals coming from a range of disciplines and welcome submissions from scholars representing various approaches, backgrounds, and scholarly career stages.

Our keynote speakers include Professor Emeritus Nancy Folbre (University of Massachusetts Armherst, USA) presenting via Zoom, Professor Emeritus Karl Ove Moene (University of Oslo, Norway) and Professor Janine Leschke (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark).

The symposium is on site and a conference fee of 50 euros will cover lunch and refreshments. Please submit your 250-300 word abstract to by May 15th, 2023.

For more information: PrecaNord website and PrecaNord at Future Nordics webpage

23/3 (Re)building supportive relationships for unaccompanied minor refugees: Narratives from Norway, Finland and Scotland

IMER Lunch Seminar

 Time:  Thursday 23rd of March 2023, 12.00 – 13.00

Place: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31

You can also follow through zoom. 

It will be great to know if you plan to join us using the registration link here. A light lunch will be served.

About the Seminar

(Re)building supportive relationships is a key task for unaccompanied minor refugees aspiring for a good life. In this seminar, Marte Knag Fylkesnes explores the role of new family-like relationships in building and sustaining wellbeing, from the perspectives of young people in Finland, Norway, and Scotland. She also discusses the usefulness of the wellbeing approach in this context.

Rather than conceiving wellbeing as an individual output, the analysis is inspired by Sarah White’s concept relational wellbeing. This directs the gaze towards how wellbeing is negotiated in the space between individuals and social systems. Across the three case countries, young participants emphasized the importance of building close, committed, mutual relationships with friends and professionals; “like a father”, “a brother I live with”. The presentation will unpack the needs these relationships meet, as circumstances change over time in the transition to adulthood, and what this can tell us about the social structures unaccompanied minor refugees negotiate, aiming for a good life in migration.

The presentation is based on the project “Relational wellbeing in the lives of young refugees in Finland, Norway and Scotland (the Drawing Together project), developed together with partners Marja Tiilikanen and Sharon McGregor. For further information about the project:

Marte Knag Fylkesnes is a researcher at the NORCE Norwegian research center, affiliated with the Regional center for children and young people’s mental health and child welfare. Her research interests are children in migration and social justice through welfare service provision. Her most recent publication is a chapter based on data from the Drawing together project:

Haswell, N., Kaukko, M., Fylkesnes, M.K, Sullivan, P. (2023). Keeping each other safe: Young refugees’ navigation towards a good life in Finland, Norway, and Scotland. In Reimer, K., Kaukko, M., Kemmis, S., Windsor, S. and Mahon,K. (eds) Living Well in a World Worth Living in for All: Current Practices of Social Justice, Sustainability and Wellbeing. Springer.

For questions about the event or if you experience problems registering, etc., please contact:

12/10 Gatekeeping the Nation: Deportation at Finnish Borderscapes from the Cold War to Europeanisation 

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IMER Lunch Seminar

Gatekeeping the Nation: Deportation at Finnish Borderscapes from the Cold War to Europeanisation 

Time:   Wednesday 12th October 202212.00 – 13.00

Place: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31

You can also follow through zoom. Link to be shared.

Are you interested in understanding how and why deportations have become a central tool of European migration control, despite its evident high cost and limited effectiveness? Are you interested in understanding these issues from a historical perspective? 

If yes, please save the date for a presentation by Miika Tervonen. A detailed abstract will follow! 

It will be great to know if you plan to join us using the registration link here.  A light lunch will be served!

Miika Tervonen is a Senior Research Fellow at the Migration Institute of Finland, and a docent of Nordic Studies at the University of Helsinki. His research centres on issues of migration, borders, minorities and nationalism. He is the chair of the Nordic Migration Research network and leads the Academy of Finland -funded project Gatekeeping the Nation: Deportation at Finnish Borderscapes from the Cold War to Europeanisation (GATE, 2022-2026).

For questions about the event or if you experience problems registering, etc., please contact:

6/12 The Precarious Inclusion of Irregular Migrants in Norway

IMER Hybrid Seminar:

Migration Control and Access to Welfare: The Precarious Inclusion of Irregular Migrants in Norway

Time: Monday 6th of December 2021, 14.0017.00

Place: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31

Zoom Link

About the seminar

In this seminar Marry-Anne Karlsen in collaboration with the Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK), will present her new book ‘Migration Control and Access to Welfare: The Precarious Inclusion of Irregular Migrants in Norway’. The book is open access and can be found here.

The book draws on in-depth ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Norway and sheds light on ambiguities in the state’s response to irregular migration that simultaneously cut through law, policy, and practice. Carefully examining the complex interplay between the geopolitical management of territory and the biopolitical management of populations, the book argues that irregularized migrants should be understood as precariously included in the welfare state rather than simply excluded.

In the seminar, Christine Jacobsen will have a conversation will Karlsen on her book after which Karlsen will take questions from the audience.

There will be mingling afterwards, and drinks will be provided.  

Marry-Anne Karlsen

Marry-Anne Karlsen is a researcher at Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK). She has a background in human geography and social anthropology. Her research interests cover migration, the welfare state, and border politics. She is currently part of an international research project funded by the RCN, Waiting for an uncertain future: the temporalities of irregular migration (WAIT). Karlsen is also involved in TemPro, another RCN-funded project lead by CMI senior researcher Jessica Schultz, and PROTECT, an EU funded project lead by Hakan G. Sicakkan at the Department for Comparative Politics at UiB. Karlsen is a board member of Nordic Migration Research and the Norwegian Network for Migration Research.

Christine M. Jacobsen

Christine Jacobsen is a Professor of Social Anthropology working mainly with questions related to migration and diversity. Her current research uses temporality as an analytical lense to examine power relations and experiences in irregular migration. Based on ethnographic fieldwork with irregularized migrants in Marseille, she is currently writing a monograph with the working title Un/documented lives in Marseille: Temporality, Gender and Migration. Previously she served as Research Director of the Bergen Migration Research Unit, IMER Bergen (2010 – 2011), and Director of the Centre for Women’s and Gender Research at the University of Bergen (2014 – 2020).

Professional Certificate in Strategic Migration Management 

Professional Certificate in Strategic Migration Management 
2nd – 4th November 2021 | Virtual Learning via Zoom
This is the last chance to register for the Professional Certificate in Strategic Migration Management, taking place from the 2nd – 4th November 2021 via Zoom. 

ICPS wishes to advise that there is one part-sposored Bursary lesft, which will be allocated on a first to register – first to be served basis. Will you take this advantage?

Please contact us directly or register online to secure this incredible opportunity.

By the end of the course the delegates will be able to: Develop, implement and evaluate strategy Lead effective organisational change Apply the key principles of strategic migration management to their organisation Improve capacity and support structures whilst reducing administrative burdens Monitor, evaluate and enhance performance
After the completion of this course, you will immediately benefit from:
•           Being eligible for membership of The Institute of Leadership and Management and will receive a ICPS/TILM joint Certificate of achievement
•           You will have access to a raft of resources to help you with your continuing professional development, including an award-winning library of elearning content
•           Access to a community of over 30,000 members worldwide enabling you to collaborate and grow your knowledge and skills
•           Receipt of weekly news updates, podcasts and cutting-edge research and a monthly published journal and invitations to topical webinars
•           Authorisation to use approved letters AMInstLM (Associate Member of The Institute of Leadership and Management) after your name for business correspondence
•           Note that you will also be able to discuss qualification options for Leadership and Management directly with ILM should you want to.
Join us for the specialised training programme that will equip policy makers with the tools to formulate and implement sustainable strategies for migration management, supported by a sound understanding of the global context and the costs and benefits of different policies. 
Do feel free to circulate this information on to any relevant colleagues, and for more information please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.
Kind regards,
The International Training Team
International Centre for Parliamentary Studies
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3137 8648
Fax: +44 (0)20 3137 1459