Monthly Archives: March 2024

9/4 Understanding the activist trajectories of Syrians across time and space

IMER Lunch Seminar

From revolution to exile: Understanding the activist trajectories of Syrians across time and space

Time: Tuesday 9th of April 2024, 12.00 – 13.00

Place: Online through this zoom link

It will be great to know if you plan to join us using the registration link here

What happens to political dissidents after they go into exile? Do they continue to engage with their homeland causes or do they disengage altogether seeking a new life in their new whereabouts?

About the Seminar

In this seminar, Amany Selim will discuss the findings of her doctoral thesis, which focuses on the case of Syrian activists who were forced out of their country in the aftermath of the 2011 Syrian uprising. Based on biographical interviews made with Syrian activists living in Berlin and Oslo, Selim will analyse how Syrian activists’ trajectories have evolved over time and across different contexts of exile, drawing on a comparison between the two cities. The seminar will be an elaboration of her thesis findings which unpack the interlinkages of time and space in influencing political participation in exile, drawing attention to the contributory value of homeland activism to integration.

Amany Selim holds a PhD in sociology from the University of Bergen. She is currently an independent consultant working on digital rights in the Middle East.

For questions about the event or if you experience problems registering, etc., please contact:

Information om ett forskningsprojekt för dem med sömnsvårigheter

Vi vill be om din hjälp att under de närmaste två veckorna sprida information om ett forskningsprojekt. Till detta forskningsprojekt söker vi innan den 8 april deltagare som vill få hjälp med sin sömn. Deltagare som istället för svenska hellre läser och pratar på enkel engelska. 

I forskningsprojektet kommer deltagarna att få hjälp med bättre sömn genom ett program på internet för sömnbesvär, med övningar och information på enkel engelska. När man deltar får man en inloggning och får prova sömnverktyget under fyra veckor. Det har testats tidigare och då varit hjälpsamt. Nu vill vi undersöka vad personer som bor i Sverige men inte har svenska som modersmål tycker om detta. 

Vi är väldigt tacksamma om du har möjlighet att sprida information och denna anmälningslänk:

Vi vore tacksamma  om du lägger ut informationen nedan i sociala medier, på en webbplats eller sprider den på andra sätt. Du kan även skriva ut och hänga upp informationen på en plats där många kan se den. Ju fler ställen, desto bättre. Förhoppningsvis kan då någon få hjälp att sova bättre. 

Vi som ber dig om hjälp studerar till psykoterapeuter och arbetar med detta forskningsprojekt som en del av vår utbildning. Karolinska institutet och Martin Kraepelien är huvudansvariga.

Är det något du undrar över för att kunna hjälpa oss får du kontakta oss.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Lovisa Gentz  och Gith Rygler

Do you suffer from sleep problems?

Do you want help to sleep better?
Do you prefer to receive help in English?
You can now participate in a research project where you for four weeks get to work on your own with a digital sleep tool.
The tool is in English and guides you to sleep better and increases the quality of your sleep. It is free to participate and you can live anywhere in Sweden. You must be at least 18 years old to participate.
Read more and register your interest here:
Responsible researcher for the project is Martin Kraepelien, clinical psychologist and phd,                                                                                                           

15/3 Siirtolaisuusinstituutti 50 v. 15.3.2024 Yksi työpöytä, johtaja ja sihteeri. Siitä

      Siirtolaisuusinstituutti Migrationsinstitutet Migration Institute of Finland         Siirtolaisuusinstituutti 50 v. 15.3.2024 Yksi työpöytä, johtaja ja sihteeri. Siitä Siirtolaisuusinstituutti, jossa toimii nykyään vuosittain noin 25-30 henkilöä, ponnisti tasan 50 vuotta sitten. Suomesta lähdettiin sankoin joukoin työn perässä Ruotsiin. 70-luvun alussa alkoi huoli Ruotsiin muuttaneista suomalaisista sekä heidän paluustaan. Tutkimustietoa tarvittiin kipeästi. Silloin mm. Työvoimaministeriö rahoitti aiheeseen liittyviä yksittäisiä tutkimushankkeita, mutta pian niin valtiovalta kuin siirtolaisuustutkijat olivat samaa mieltä siitä, että tarvitaan pysyvämpi siirtolaisuuden tutkimuksen keskus. Alla olevasta linkistä voit lukea lisää Siirtolaisuusinstituutista, sen historiasta ja nykypäivästä. Vuosi täynnä ohjelmaa Juhlavuoden ohjelman löydät täältä.
Tervetuloa 50-vuotiaaseen Siirtolaisuusinstituuttiin! Lue lisää

13/8 Precarity in migration research

NMR PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP August 13, 2024,  09.00 – 16.00
IMER jr. Bergen and NNMF jr. would like to invite all junior scholars who are attending or participating in the 2024 Nordic Migration Conference in August to join us for a one-day pre-conference workshop titled “Precarity in Migration Research: Interdisciplinarity, Methodology and Networking” on August 13, 2024, between 09.00 – 16.00. will be an excellent opportunity for everyone to network with other junior scholars, share experiences, and workshop ideas related to interdisciplinary research.The workshop consists of three sessions: Interdisciplinarity and outreach: From migration research to impact across disciplines and industries Methodology in precarious times: Research ethics and vulnerability IMER jr. Bergen and NNMF jr.: Where do we want to go next year?   
The sessions will include both invited speakers and workshopping (based on experience and ideas exchange). To wrap up the day, we will then head for pre-conference drinks.
Want to join us? Please sign up here (binding).
More information will follow soon. Contact: 

14-16/8  The politics of mobility and precarity – and the alternatives

The 22nd Nordic Migration Research (NMR) Conference
Call for Papers           
Deadline Extension- 14th March 2024
 The politics of mobility and precarity – and the alternatives 
IMER Bergen is honoured to organize the 22nd Nordic Migration Research Conference, which will be held at the University of Bergen in Norway from 14 to 16 August 2024. 
The conference is organized in cooperation with Nordic Migration Research. 
The 22nd NMR conference focuses on the complex entanglements of mobility and precarity in the context of international migration. By focusing on mobility and precarity, the conference draws attention to how migrants and different ethnic groups experience precarity from subjective and structural standpoints and how these shape how they navigate their everyday lives. 
 We welcome paper contributions that engage with the conference’s theme and fall within the scope of the accepted panels/workshops.
More information on the call and the list of accepted panels/workshops can be found here.
Paper abstracts (maximum 300 words) can be submitted here until 14th March 2024.  
We also invite you to forward this call to anyone interested. 
For any queries or additional details related to the conference, feel free to contact us at