IMER Bergen’s 25th anniversary celebration

Welcome to IMER Bergen’s 25th anniversary celebration

2–4 November, 2022

International Migration and Ethnic Relations Research Unit (IMER Bergen) is delighted to welcome you to
celebrate 25 years of engaging in outstanding research and dissemination within the field.
The program awaits you with engaging topics and conversations, and contributions from both local and
external researchers. The first day of the conference is dedicated to a PhD-relay* organized by the IMER junior
scholar network, in which PhD candidates are invited to present their projects and receive feedback from
experienced senior scholars in the field. On the second and third day of the event, we offer a varied program
with panel debates and conversations about timely issues. Four esteemed keynote speakers from the
Nordics will discuss research at the interface of migration studies and ethnic relations—from the importance
of a temporal lens, the relationship between minorities and majorities, and the relevance of a critical political
economy foundation for IMER research, to the politics of knowledge production in our field.
Please register here before 23 September, 2022

Preliminary program
Wednesday, 2 November: Pre-conference – IMER jr. PhD-relay
Thursday, 3 November:
11.00-11.30: Registration (coffee and snacks)
11.30-12.00: Welcoming remarks (Rectorate, Global Challenges and IMER leader
Kari Hagatun, Art exhibition/Marte Knag Fylkesnes**)
12.00-12.45: Celebrating 25 years of IMER research: A conversation with Mette
Andersson, Hakan G. Sicakkan and Susanne Bygnes
12.45-13.45: Lunch
13.45-14.30:Keynote – Christine M. Jacobsen: The times of migration research:
IMER Bergen and beyond
14.30-14.45: Break
14.45-15.45: Do we need to deexceptionalize migration in IMER research?
A panel discussion with Synnøve Bendixsen, Heath Cabot, Marry-Anne
Karlsen, Regine Paul and Cathrine Talleraas
15.45-16.00:Break (coffee and snacks)
16.00-16.45:Keynote – Mikkel Rytter: From integration to deportation: 25 years of
migration research and the relationship between minorities and

19:30 Dinner

Friday, 4 November:
9.15-10.00: Keynote – Peo Hansen: Unlearning the “fiscal impact of migration”:
Why IMER research needs a modern macroeconomic foundation
10.00-10.15: Break (coffee and snacks)
10.15-11.00: IMER jr. scholar network – ongoing PhD projects
11.00-11.15: Break
11.15–12.00: Keynote – Lena Näre: Categories without boundaries? Rethinking
knowledge production in migration studies and ethnic relations
12.00-13.00: Lunch
13.00-14.00:The Janus face of the welfare state: What contradictory aims
and roles should research on inclusion acknowledge?
A roundtable discussion with Fungisai Puleng Gwanzura Ottemöller,
Astrid Ouahyb Sundsbø and Marte Knag Fylkesnes. Introduction by
Astrid Ouahyb Sundsbø.
14.00–14.15: Closing

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