Monthly Archives: September 2022

12/10 Gatekeeping the Nation: Deportation at Finnish Borderscapes from the Cold War to Europeanisation 

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IMER Lunch Seminar

Gatekeeping the Nation: Deportation at Finnish Borderscapes from the Cold War to Europeanisation 

Time:   Wednesday 12th October 202212.00 – 13.00

Place: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31

You can also follow through zoom. Link to be shared.

Are you interested in understanding how and why deportations have become a central tool of European migration control, despite its evident high cost and limited effectiveness? Are you interested in understanding these issues from a historical perspective? 

If yes, please save the date for a presentation by Miika Tervonen. A detailed abstract will follow! 

It will be great to know if you plan to join us using the registration link here.  A light lunch will be served!

Miika Tervonen is a Senior Research Fellow at the Migration Institute of Finland, and a docent of Nordic Studies at the University of Helsinki. His research centres on issues of migration, borders, minorities and nationalism. He is the chair of the Nordic Migration Research network and leads the Academy of Finland -funded project Gatekeeping the Nation: Deportation at Finnish Borderscapes from the Cold War to Europeanisation (GATE, 2022-2026).

For questions about the event or if you experience problems registering, etc., please contact:

IMER Bergen’s 25th anniversary celebration

Welcome to IMER Bergen’s 25th anniversary celebration

2–4 November, 2022

International Migration and Ethnic Relations Research Unit (IMER Bergen) is delighted to welcome you to
celebrate 25 years of engaging in outstanding research and dissemination within the field.
The program awaits you with engaging topics and conversations, and contributions from both local and
external researchers. The first day of the conference is dedicated to a PhD-relay* organized by the IMER junior
scholar network, in which PhD candidates are invited to present their projects and receive feedback from
experienced senior scholars in the field. On the second and third day of the event, we offer a varied program
with panel debates and conversations about timely issues. Four esteemed keynote speakers from the
Nordics will discuss research at the interface of migration studies and ethnic relations—from the importance
of a temporal lens, the relationship between minorities and majorities, and the relevance of a critical political
economy foundation for IMER research, to the politics of knowledge production in our field.
Please register here before 23 September, 2022

Preliminary program
Wednesday, 2 November: Pre-conference – IMER jr. PhD-relay
Thursday, 3 November:
11.00-11.30: Registration (coffee and snacks)
11.30-12.00: Welcoming remarks (Rectorate, Global Challenges and IMER leader
Kari Hagatun, Art exhibition/Marte Knag Fylkesnes**)
12.00-12.45: Celebrating 25 years of IMER research: A conversation with Mette
Andersson, Hakan G. Sicakkan and Susanne Bygnes
12.45-13.45: Lunch
13.45-14.30:Keynote – Christine M. Jacobsen: The times of migration research:
IMER Bergen and beyond
14.30-14.45: Break
14.45-15.45: Do we need to deexceptionalize migration in IMER research?
A panel discussion with Synnøve Bendixsen, Heath Cabot, Marry-Anne
Karlsen, Regine Paul and Cathrine Talleraas
15.45-16.00:Break (coffee and snacks)
16.00-16.45:Keynote – Mikkel Rytter: From integration to deportation: 25 years of
migration research and the relationship between minorities and

19:30 Dinner

Friday, 4 November:
9.15-10.00: Keynote – Peo Hansen: Unlearning the “fiscal impact of migration”:
Why IMER research needs a modern macroeconomic foundation
10.00-10.15: Break (coffee and snacks)
10.15-11.00: IMER jr. scholar network – ongoing PhD projects
11.00-11.15: Break
11.15–12.00: Keynote – Lena Näre: Categories without boundaries? Rethinking
knowledge production in migration studies and ethnic relations
12.00-13.00: Lunch
13.00-14.00:The Janus face of the welfare state: What contradictory aims
and roles should research on inclusion acknowledge?
A roundtable discussion with Fungisai Puleng Gwanzura Ottemöller,
Astrid Ouahyb Sundsbø and Marte Knag Fylkesnes. Introduction by
Astrid Ouahyb Sundsbø.
14.00–14.15: Closing

30/9 Migration studies and social impact – critique and possibilities

View this email onlineThe newly established National network of junior scholars working with issues related to migration and intercultural relations invites you to their first online seminar: 

Migration studies and social impact – critique and possibilities

Date: 30th of September, 9.00-12.30

Online: zoomlink here 

Please sign up here to join the seminar 


09.00-09.15: Welcome and information about the network
09.15-10.00: Keynote by Prof. Willem Schinkel 
10.00-10.15: Break
10.15-10.45: Q&A/Discussion with Prof. Willem Schinkel
10.45-11.00: Digital Coffee Break/Mingling in Breakout Rooms
11.00-11.45: Keynote by Nataliia Sokolovska
11.45-12.00: Break
12.00-12.30: Q&A/Discussion with Nataliia Sokolovska

About the national network: This is the launching seminar for the National network of junior scholars working with issues related to migration and intercultural relations. This network was initiated on the basis of activities organized by the IMER junior scholar network in Bergen.

The aim of the network is to build an inclusive and active platform where fellow junior scholars from different institutions in Norway can participate and expand academic discussions on relevant issues within the field. By organizing different events, the network aims to build a collaborative community that can encourage early career researchers to thrive within academia. 

Please, join this email list to get news on the network’s future events.

Board members:
Sara Toffanin (UiT)
Malin Håland Kleppe (HVL/IMER jr. Bergen)
Zahra Abbasi (UiO)
Tommaso Rompianesi (UiB/IMER jr. Bergen)
Veronica Øverlid (Carleton University (Ottawa), Canada)
Zubia Willmann-Robleda (VID Specialized University) 

For questions about the network and seminar, please contact: 

Zubia Willmann-Robleda

27-28/10 “Communication and media training for mayors: promoting intercultural narratives in difficult times” 

Mayors, deputy mayors, councillors, and policy officers from members of the Intercultural Cities network have been invited to apply for the training course on “Communication and media training for mayors: promoting intercultural narratives in difficult times” which will take place on 27-28 October 2022 in Strasbourg, France.

Migration and diversity are key parts of the public debate in Europe on culture, social cohesion, and identity. These topics stir emotions and attract political controversy with equal measure, presenting those who see strength in the inclusive and intercultural future of cities with unique challenges.

Communicating the positive vision of intercultural cities, while strengthening community trust and promoting solidarity, requires a media skill-set that combines engaging, optimistic, and timely messaging.

This two-day course aims to provide the participants with the tools, techniques, and confidence to carry out effective media interviews (TV, radio or print) regardless of the media scenario or the circumstances. Participants will also learn how to promote effective messages, narratives, and stories about intercultural integration, thereby helping to create and promote the very best of intercultural cities around the world. The training will also cover good practices from other cities and techniques on how to deal with potential backlash and hate speech.

For more information: Council of Europe

Media training on promoting intercultural narratives in difficult times – Intercultural Cities Newsroom (

2-4/11 Invitation to celebrate IMER Bergen’s 25th Anniversary

2-4 November 2022!

IMER Bergen is delighted to welcome you to celebrate 25 years of outstanding research and dissemination within the fields of migration and ethnic relations.

The conference program awaits you with engaging topics and activities.

The first day is dedicated to a PhD-relay organized by our IMER junior scholar network. 

On the second and third day, we offer panel debates and conversations about timely issues. Four esteemed keynote speakers from the Nordics will discuss research at the interface of migration studies and ethnic relations.

See the invitation and preliminary program here

Please spread the word among colleagues and friends within your field.

Register here before 20 September.

We look forward to seeing you at the

University in Bergen,

The organizing committee 

For questions, please contact: