IMER Lunch Seminar
Gatekeeping the Nation: Deportation at Finnish Borderscapes from the Cold War to Europeanisation
Time: Wednesday 12th October 2022, 12.00 – 13.00
Place: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31
You can also follow through zoom. Link to be shared.
Are you interested in understanding how and why deportations have become a central tool of European migration control, despite its evident high cost and limited effectiveness? Are you interested in understanding these issues from a historical perspective?
If yes, please save the date for a presentation by Miika Tervonen. A detailed abstract will follow!
It will be great to know if you plan to join us using the registration link here. A light lunch will be served!

Miika Tervonen is a Senior Research Fellow at the Migration Institute of Finland, and a docent of Nordic Studies at the University of Helsinki. His research centres on issues of migration, borders, minorities and nationalism. He is the chair of the Nordic Migration Research network and leads the Academy of Finland -funded project Gatekeeping the Nation: Deportation at Finnish Borderscapes from the Cold War to Europeanisation (GATE, 2022-2026).
For questions about the event or if you experience problems registering, etc., please contact: Felicity.Okoth@uib.no